personal wall map
I got the honor of transforming an neutral and ordinary white wall in Trollbäcken (Tyresö, Sweden) to a personal wall map of the clients neighborhood. The theme was the clients idea and I think it is absolutely genius - what a conversation starter when they are having people over!
Timelapse - Wall mural by Ekkoform Illustrations. Music: Outside by @iksonmusic
Decorative wardrobe for the nursery
An ordinary wardrobe from IKEA transformed into a urban block full of life and details - I am looking forward to seeing the wardrobe in place in Leons new room:D
In the timelapse video below you can see the process from beginning to finished result.
Timelapse - Decorative painting on kids wardrobe by Ekkoform Illustrations. Music: A little trip by @SClassic
An ordinary waiting room got a complete makeover and is now one of the most unique waiting rooms in the area. Say hi to Mr. Dentist Moose!
It does not have to be a total makeover to make a great difference in an environment, this plain red wall is one of the first things you see when arriving to the kindergarten so I made it a little more fun to look at with some Scandinavian design and a few quirky details. Both the kids and carers were happy with the little transformation.
folk deer
Technology is great - By making mockups like the one below I can experiment with different motifs and play around with how they would look in a certain environment before I bring them to life. The deer-motif from my pattern “Folk Deer” would certainly look good as a wall mural - don´t you think?